Everyone should know about our clan. And anyone intressted should have the opportunity to join. And we want our community to grow and flourish! I personally think that Redstone is the main thing with the clan. It is to have a close and friendly community. And what better to bind togheter a community with than common intressts? Therefore Redstone. But I still think people not entirely devoted to redstone should still join. There should be a rank tree for non-redstone intressted players. This will prevent the clan from becoming to linear. But we should still be mainly a redstone clan. Just that we have a "department" for people not intressted in redstone but wanting to participate in our friendly community. So which way do you think the best way to spread the knowdledge of our clan? http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/9397/allot.jpg
In some of the huge common servers Make a nice redstone controlled sign for simple on and off so it flashes. And put some signs up aroudn it with the info they need to join/find this site.
A good Idea. So if anyone is around a server you should do some kind of display like eury just said if you got the time. May our clan grow and flourish! http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/9397/allot.jpg
But already suggested on buxville.net here. [quote=TK]no, im asking if you all know how to make one not if you could tell me how to do i[/quote] Don't Click Here!
Our outdated Minecraftforums topic isn´t directly good for advertisment. We (Diveal) should create a new one. One with information up to date. And the old topic will need a link to the new one. http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/9397/allot.jpg
Our outdated Minecraftforums topic isn´t directly good for advertisment. We (Diveal) should create a new one. One with information up to date. And the old topic will need a link to the new one.
I don't have time for it. Create it yourself. I and exsead will make first 2 empty comments, so we can also add information to the tread. [quote=TK]no, im asking if you all know how to make one not if you could tell me how to do i[/quote] Don't Click Here!
Quote (allot) Our outdated Minecraftforums topic isn´t directly good for advertisment. We (Diveal) should create a new one. One with information up to date. And the old topic will need a link to the new one.
I don't have time for it. Create it yourself. I and exsead will make first 2 empty comments, so we can also add information to the tread.
Quote (DiEvAl) I don't have time for it. Create it yourself. I and exsead will make first 2 empty comments, so we can also add information to the tread. wait what? What comment?
1) You create thread on minecraftforum. 2) I make an empty comment to it. 3) ExSeaD makes an empty comment. 4) ??? 5) Profit. (I, you and ExSeaD can edit the topic.) [quote=TK]no, im asking if you all know how to make one not if you could tell me how to do i[/quote] Don't Click Here!